Marilyn Monroe credited as playing...
- Peggy: Weren't you ever in love, Mae?
- Mae Doyle: Once.
- Peggy: Where?
- Mae Doyle: Saint Paul. He was big too, like Jerry. I'll say one thing. He knew how to handle women.
- Peggy: Is that what you want from a man?
- Mae Doyle: Confidence! I want a man to give me confidence. Somebody to fight off the blizzards and floods! Somebody to beat off the world when it tries to swallow you up! Me and my ideas.
- Earl Pfeiffer: [Peg has just announced her engagement to Joe] Congratulations. I'm glad you put the guy out of his misery.
- Peggy: Since when did you start recommending marriage?
- Earl Pfeiffer: [sardonically] Since I got my divorce.
- [Peggy watches as Mae leaves to meet Earl]
- Joe Doyle: [to Peggy] Maybe you'd like to go with her.
- Peggy: Maybe.
- Joe Doyle: That ring on your finger - what'd you put it there for? A decoration?
- Peggy: She has a right to do what she wants to if she's in love.
- Joe Doyle: In love! Listen to me, blondie. The woman I marry, she don't take me on a wait and see basis. I ain't a dress she's bringin' home from the store to see if it fits and if it don't, back it goes. In my book marriage is a two-way proposition: you're just as much responsible as I am. So, that little eye is gonna roam... if what you think is Joe's alright until somethin' better comes along... honey, you better take another streetcar. Well, what's it gonna be?
- [she starts to cry and hugs him tight]
- Peggy: Irene came into work with a black eye. That fella she married in San Jose when she was working the fruit canners came down last night. Wanted her to go back up state and live with him again. And when she wouldn't, he just beat her up awful. You should see her eye!
- Joe Doyle: Well, he's her husband.
- Peggy: So what! I suppose you'd beat me up too if I was your wife.
- Joe Doyle: Sure! Regular.
- Peggy: Let me see you try! Just let me see any man try.
- Peggy: I gotta go. I just had to show you the ring.
- Mae D'Amato: Peg, just a second. I'll get Gloria dressed and come with you.
- Peggy: I can't, honey. Joe's waiting. Diamonds make me punctual.