Bernhard Wicki credited as playing...
Tommaso Garani
- Tommaso Garani: That lovely creature's only job is to cheer up the sick. She can't do anything. She's just beautiful. But sometimes beauty can really be depressing.
- Tommaso Garani: There's still so much to do. I feel like I watched from the sidelines when I should have been more involved. I lacked the courage to go all the way. I console myself with the thought I wasn't smart enough anyway.
- Tommaso Garani: Soon hospitals will look just like nightclubs. People want a good time right to the very end. Ah, the champagne.
- Tommaso Garani: Lidia, you're looking very well.
- Lidia: Marcella wanted to come, but I thought...
- Tommaso Garani: You were right. I'd rather not see anyone. It's amazing how tired you get of pretending at a certain point.
- Tommaso Garani: A little self-criticism is good. It helps put things in perspective and gives you courage.
- Giovanni: You bought it? I wanted to bring you a copy.
- Tommaso Garani: I didn't just buy it. I'm reading it too. I've only read 50 pages so far. I hope they'll let me finish it. I like certain parts very much, like the whole thing about the bath. It's your best work ever, if the morphine hasn't warped my judgment. Morphine makes everything seem important.
- Giovanni: Then it's definitely the morphine.
- Tommaso Garani: Quite a place, eh? Everything I used to hate in terms of style. I never thought I'd end my days in such luxury. I feel like a fraud.