Susannah York credited as playing...
Rachel Fielding
- Anthony Fielding: Rachel!
- Rachel Fielding: Coming.
- Anthony Fielding: Did I tell you I was playing the organ tomorrow?
- Rachel Fielding: Yes, you did.
- Anthony Fielding: Do you want to come?
- Rachel Fielding: Anthony. You're going to be late, love.
- Anthony Fielding: What?
- Rachel Fielding: Church.
- Anthony Fielding: Oh, Jesus!
- Charles Crossley: Religions all have to answer the same question.
- Rachel Fielding: What?
- Charles Crossley: Has the human a soul? And if he has - where does he keep it?
- Rachel Fielding: Has the Vicar any idea?
- Charles Crossley: His belief is based on speculation.
- Charles Crossley: Marriage in an aboriginal society is different to what it is here. Oh, yes, it's true. If a young man wants a girl for his wife, he steals some trivial possession from her, casts a spell over it, and then she finds him irresistible.
- Rachel Fielding: And does it last?
- Charles Crossley: Until death. Or until the husband leaves. Or until he deliberately relaxes the magic.
- Anthony Fielding: When's he leaving?
- Rachel Fielding: In a month for all I care.
- Anthony Fielding: He's got your buckle. I've seen him playing with it. Why don't you ask him for it?
- Rachel Fielding: Why?
- Anthony Fielding: Because I'm just going to buy another one, that's why!
- Rachel Fielding: Look, if he's got the buckle he probably wants to keep it.
- Rachel Fielding: I think that Anthony is jealous of you.
- Charles Crossley: Are you happily married?
- Rachel Fielding: Possibly. What about you'?
- Charles Crossley: Could I have some sugar, please?