William Katt credited as playing...
Ralph Hinkley
- Ralph Hinkley: Pamela I love you very much and... I would like us to be a real team.
- Pam Davidson: [cries] Ralph, are you asking me to marry you?
- Ralph Hinkley: Yes I am.
- Pam Davidson: [cries, then nods happily] Yes.
- Ralph Hinkley: Bill, are you OK? What's wrong with your knees?
- Bill Maxwell: Fear. Or... I'm drunk.
- Ralph Hinkley: No, you're not drunk.
- Bill Maxwell: Then I'm alive!
- [laughs nervously]
- Bill Maxwell: Thank you, Ralph. Thanks very much!
- Pam Davidson: I am disgusted with the both of you.
- Ralph Hinkley: Why?
- Bill Maxwell: About what?
- Pam Davidson: I don't know yet.
- Tony Villicana: Pick your friends carefully huh? Alright, so maybe I'll pick a friend.
- Ralph Hinkley: Who ya gonna pick, Tony?
- Tony Villicana: I'll pick you.
- Ralph Hinkley: Hey, Tony, thank you. Thank you. I accept.
- Ralph Hinkley: You can't go because... WE'RE THE PACKAGE, BILL! Those little green guys they... they didn't pick us out by accident! We're supposed to do this as long as it takes. How many times have you told that to me?
- Ralph Hinkley: Bill, I've got an idea
- Bill Maxwell: Good, put it to me in a letter, I'll try to get back to you by the end of the month
- Ralph Hinkley: You see what I mean? Like right now for instance. You're not even listening to me. I mean, for all I know, we could be driving into the biggest shootout of this century
- Bill Maxwell: [not listening] Yeah, kid. I'll work on that for ya