Kevin Costner credited as playing...
- Jake: All I did was kiss a girl!
- Emmett: They got you in jail for that?
- Jake: Yeah, I kissed a girl, and this other fella didn't like it, so we had some words, and so I decided to get out of there. So I did, I got out of there. You know me, Emmett, I don't want no trouble. So, I go outside, and this fellow tries to shoot me in the back.
- Emmett: You had to kill him?
- Jake: No, no, I winged him. And he dropped his gun.
- Emmett: They got you in jail for winging a guy?
- Jake: Well... no, not exactly. Because, see, then his friend opened up on me.
- Emmett: What friend is that?
- Jake: The one with the shotgun.
- Sheriff Langston: The DEAD one.
- Phoebe: [Phoebe stands between Jake and an angry Tyree] Nothing happened, Tyree. This is my job.
- Tyree: Shut up.
- Jake: I don't believe a lady has to explain anything to a man this ugly.
- [Two deputies come up behind him, but he doesn't seem to notice]
- Paden: [Comes up behind Tyree] What's the trouble here?
- Tyree: Stay out of this, Paden.
- Stella: He can't do that, Tyree. Cobb's hired him.
- Tyree: That's Cobb's mistake.
- Stella: Come on out of there, Phoebe, you've done enough.
- [Phoebe moves to leave, but Tyree pushes her back. Paden takes Tyree's gun and points it at him]
- Paden: Go on home, Jake.
- Jake: All I did was kiss the girl.
- Paden: That's what you said in Turley. Remember how that ended?
- Jake: What's the matter, Paden? You afraid I couldn't get those two behind me?
- Paden: I don't want you getting anybody in my place.
- Jake: [Takes his hat, faces the deputies, and points a finger at them] Boom.
- [He leaves]
- Tyree: [to Paden] I should've killed you a long time ago.
- Paden: [Offering Tyree's gun back to him] Why not now?
- [Tyree takes the gun and holds it under Paden's chin]
- Stella: Don't do it, Tyree. I just lost one partner. If you kill him, I'll never get anyone to work in here.
- Tyree: You better start looking.
- [He takes the gun from under Paden's chin and leaves]
- Stella: You really are a gambler, aren't you?
- Paden: [Walks up to the bar] Give me some of the good stuff.
- Jake: I got things to do, kid, I'm a busy man.
- Augie Hollis: I go with you.
- Jake: A grown man can't have a little boy with him everywhere he goes.
- Augie Hollis: Well, who's a grown man?
- Emmett: [Emmett, Paden, Jake, and Mal are about to ride into town to face McKendrick, Sheriff Cobb and his deputies. Emmett turns to the others] I'll see you 'round.
- Paden: Last one at the Midnight Star buys.
- Jake: You're on. Let's get 'em!
- Mal: [Emmett and Jake ride down the hill into town. Before following, Mal turns to Paden] Hey, Paden. Good luck.