Lee Richardson credited as playing...
Leo Bloomenfeld
- Leo Bloomenfeld: [telling Al Reilly about Kevin Quinn] He's a prick. He's a racist and an anti-Semite and a prick. He wants to be Tom Dewey, and he will be. He married for politics and all he can see is way clear to God knows how high up. Years ago, when we still had executions in the state, he used to volunteer as a witness. Yeah, his first murder case, uhh he was a young A.D.A. then and I'm talking years ago... The case was shaky, circumstantial and he wanted a recommended death penalty from the jury. Before he was finished, he had them believing that poor black kid raped their mothers. He goes up to Sing-Sing for the electrocution. And the next day, we're sitting around, drinking coffee and he walks in with this grin on his face and someone says "Hey, how did it go?", he says, casually, "He fried!" and then he says, "I sure hope he was guilty!" and he laughs! Fuck him! Now and forever!
- Preston Pearlstein: [getting introduced with Bloomenfeld's friend] How do you do? I'm delighted!
- Leo Bloomenfeld: That's it Perlstein! Don't spoil my appetite, we haven't eaten yet.
- Preston Pearlstein: [laughing] what a character!
- [laughing again, louder]
- Leo Bloomenfeld: Look at that son of a bitch.