- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- New York Times
- San Francisco Chronicle [Edward Guthmann]
- San Francisco Examiner [Barbara Shulgasser]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Isabella Endrinal]
- Advocate/Weekly Newspapers Online
- Artechock [Tobias Lehmann]
- German
- Austin Chronicle [Russell Smith]
- Blog de Film [Christine Lescu] Romanian
- Christoph Hartung - Die besten Filmkritiken im Netz
- German
- Cinopsis
- French
- CNN Interactive
- Common Sense Media [Alistair Lawrence]
- Dennis Schwartz
- DVDFR.com [Philippe Gautreau]
- French
- Elitisti [Tapani Maskula]
- Finnish
- Entertainment Drive, The Cranky Critic
- EyeForFilm.co.uk
- Festivale Online Magazine, Ali Kayn's review
- Festivale online magazine, Ali Kayn's review
- Film.de
- German
- Hedmark [Stefan Hedmark]
- indyfilmblog [indy]
- German
- KINO (russian)
- kino-zeit.de [Marie Anderson]
- German
- Moviebreak.de [Pascal Reis]
- German
- moviemaster.de [Frank Ehrlacher]
- German
- MoviePass Islington
- Nick's Flick Picks (Full Review)
- Nitrate Online (capsule)
- Political Film Review [Michael Haas]
- Qwipster.net [Vince Leo]
- randommovie.net [RM]
- Spirituality & Practice [Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat]
- The KO Picture Show
- The Movie Report/Mr. Brown's Movie Site [Michael Dequina]
- The Onion A.V. Club [Keith Phipps]
- UTK Daily Beacon [Tom McCarthy]
- Yellow Barrel: Thoughts on Films [Jon Cvack; Part 2 of 2]
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