Lee Arenberg credited as playing...
- Jack Sparrow: Parleley, parlelellyleloooo, par le nee, partner, par... snip, parsley...
- Ragetti: Parley?
- Jack Sparrow: That's the one. Parley. Parley.
- Pintel: Parley? Damn to the depths whatever man what thought of "Parley".
- Jack Sparrow: That would be the French.
- Elizabeth: Captain Barbossa , I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal .
- Barbossa: There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?
- Elizabeth: I want you to leave and never come back.
- Barbossa: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no".
- Elizabeth: Very well. I'll drop it.
- [dangles medallion over the sea]
- Barbossa: Me holds are burstin' with swag. That bit of shine matters to us? Why?
- Elizabeth: It's what you've been searching for. I recognized the ship. I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England .
- Barbossa: Did ya, now?
- Elizabeth: Fine. Well, I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it.
- [it drops a bit, the pirates lunge forward]
- Barbossa: No! Ah.
- [chuckles]
- Barbossa: You have a name, Missy?
- Elizabeth: Elizabeth... Turner. I'm a maid in the Governor's household.
- Barbossa: Miss Turner...?
- [turns to face the pirates]
- Pintel: Bootstrap.
- Barbossa: And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?
- Elizabeth: I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean.
- Barbossa: Very well, you hand it over and we'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.
- Elizabeth: [she hands it over] Our bargain?
- [Barbossa walks away from her]
- Bo'sun: Still the guns and stow 'em, Signal the men, set the flags and make good to clear port.
- Elizabeth: Wait! You have to take me to shore. According to the Code of the Order of the Brethren...
- Barbossa: First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner .
- Will Turner: You knew my father.
- Pintel: Old Bootstrap Bill? Aye, we knew 'im. Never sat well with ol' Bootstrap, what we did to Sparrow and all. That's why he sent a piece of the treasure off to you, as it were. He said that we deserved to be cursed... and remain cursed. A' course, that didnt sit too well with the captain.
- Ragetti: No, that didn't sit to well with the cap'n at all... Tell 'im what Barbossa did.
- Pintel: [angry] I'm telling the story. So, what Barbossa did is, he tied a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstraps.
- Ragetti: [snickering quietly] Bootstrap's bootstraps...
- Pintel: And the last we saw of ol' Bill Turner, he was sinkin' into the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' Locker. Course, it was only after that we learned we needed his blood to lift the curse.
- Ragetti: Now that's what you'd call ironic.
- Ragetti: [Ragetti and Pintel laugh]
- [the other pirates come upon Jack Sparrow in the cave]
- Pintel: You? You're supposed to be dead.
- Jack Sparrow: [Looks himself up and down] Am I not?
- Pintel: [Pintel and Ragetti burst into the room] We know you're here, Poppet.
- Ragetti: Poppet.
- Pintel: Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you.
- Ragetti: Eh?
- Pintel: [smiles at Ragetti] We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us.
- Ragetti: Gold calls...
- Pintel: [opens door of the closet] 'Ello, Poppet.
- Elizabeth: Parlay!
- Ragetti: What?
- Elizabeth: Parlay. I invoke the right of parlay. According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew , you have to take me to your Captain.
- Pintel: I know the code.
- Elizabeth: If an adversary demands parlay you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete.
- Ragetti: To blazes with the code.
- Pintel: She wants to be taken to the Captain. And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code.
- Pintel: You'll be dining with the captain. And he requests you wear this.
- Elizabeth: Well you may tell the captain that I am disinclined to acquiesce to his request.
- Pintel: He said you'd say that. He also said that if that be the case, then you'll be dining with the crew. And you'll be naked.
- [looks at him in disgust and hastily grabs dress]
- Pintel: Fine.
- Elizabeth: [when Pintel and Ragetti finds her hiding in the closet] Parley!
- Pintel: [pauses] What?
- Elizabeth: Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew says you have to take me to your captain.
- Pintel: I know the Code.
- Elizabeth: Then it would state that if one demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.
- Ragetti: Blazes to the Code!
- Pintel: She wants to be taken to the captain! And she'll go without a fuss. We must honour the Code.