Catherine O'Hara credited as playing...
- Tiger: Shoo, go on, get away from here. My owner does not give scraps to common strays.
- Stella: Common strays? Alright, you asked for it...
- [turns and raises rear]
- RJ: [whispers] Get the collar!
- Stella: Gee, that's a nice collar you got on. Mind if I have a look?
- Tiger: No-no-no-no-no! Come no closer! I must not be so near a creature of the outdoor woods.
- [sneezes]
- Tiger: Away with your filth!
- Stella: My filth? My *filth*?
- Penny: Oh jeepers here we go.
- Stella: Okay, that's it. I'm sick and tired of everybody taking one look at me and running away 'cause they think I'm filthy. Well I got news for you: I didn't get primped and preened to have some overfed, pompous puffball tell me he's too good for me. I've got makeup on my *butt*, dude! And you don't even want to know about the cork!
- Tiger: Stop! No one has *ever* spoken to me like that!
- [others gasp]
- Tiger: It is bold... I like it.
- Stella: Yeah? Well, there's more where that came from, uh... puffball!
- [Leads him away from the door]
- Tiger: You're strong. Your essence is overpowering.
- Stella: [pushes tail down] Wh-what do you mean by that?
- Tiger: It is your eyes.
- Stella: My eyes?
- Tiger: They are... luminous.
- Stella: Luminous... Dang.
- RJ: Please don't think I'm prying, but I couldn't help overhearing, and I think I can shed a little light on what this whole hedge situation is about. You see, what was once mere wilderness is now 54 acres of man-made, manicured, air-conditioned paradise.
- [Points at map]
- RJ: Except for that little-bitty speck. You are here.
- [All gasp]
- RJ: No, no, that's a good thing. You're hibernators, right? You gather up a bunch of food, store it away for the winter?
- Hammy the Squirrel: Aha! We fill the log!
- Verne: Hammy.
- RJ: Really? This log? This cave-like log?
- Ozzie: All the way to the top.
- Verne: Ozzie.
- RJ: Let me ask ya, how long's it take, you know, to fill the log?
- Heather: Two-hundred and seventy-four days.
- RJ: Ooh! Ever done it in a week?
- Verne: That's impossible.
- RJ: Not if we work together. You see, you've got the food-gathering skills, I've got the know-how, and they have the food.
- Heather: How much food?
- RJ: Loads of food! Heaps of food! Food out the wazoo!
- Verne: Well, you know, whatever kind of food comes out of a wazoo, I really don't think we're interested in eating.
- Lou: I don't know. The guy's making a lot of sense to me. I think we should listen.
- Penny: Yeah. I'm okay with wazoo food there.
- Verne: Come on, you guys!
- [Tries to be intimidating]
- Verne: Don't make me come in there!
- Stella: [Heard beneath the leaves] Y'all better listen... I've been holding something in all winter and I'm about to LET IT OUT!
- Penny: [Animals scatter from under leaves] Whoa!
- Ozzie: She means it!
- [as the leaves and dust settles, Stella is shown in her "firing" position]
- Verne: [Politely and grateful] Thank you, Stella!
- Stella: [Nonchalantly] Oh, I can clear a room, Verne. That much I can do!
- Lou: Good morning, everyone. Just a super-duper morning, eh?
- Penny: Oh, jeepers.
- Lou: Whoa, not lookin' so good around the eyes there, hon.
- Penny: Bucky and Quillo woke up every three or four weeks, and Spike kept poking me.
- Lou: Yeah, well he is kinda pokey.
- Penny: Yep, he sure is the sharpest of the bunch there.
- Lou: You know what? How about I take the day shift?
- Penny: Oh, Lou, that would be just super.
- Lou: All right, kids. You heard your Mother and now you listen to me. Shape up there.
- [the Porcupine Triplets playfully tackles Lou]
- Stella: What'll we do for food?
- Verne: I don't know. But here's what I do know. We will be fine as long as no one goes over Steve again.
- RJ: It's called a hedge, and it is not to be feared, my amphibious friend. It is the gateway to the good life.
- Verne: Uh, I'm a reptile, actually. But, you know, it's a common mistake. And, uh, you are?
- RJ: Oh, where are my manners. I'm RJ. Now please don't think I'm prying, but I couldn't help overhearing, and I think I could shed a little light on what this whole hedge situation is about.
- [Pulls out a map]
- RJ: You see, what was once mere wilderness is now 54 acres of man-made, manicured, air conditioned paradise. Except for that little bitty speck. You are here.
- [They all gasp]
- RJ: No, no, that's a good thing. You're hibernators, right? You gather up a bunch of food, store it away for the winter?
- Hammy the Squirrel: Uh-huh. We fill the log.
- Verne: Hammy.
- RJ: Really? This log? This cave like log?
- Ozzie: All the way to the top.
- Verne: Ozzie.
- RJ: Let me ask ya, how long does it take, you know, to fill the log?
- Heather: Two hundred and seventy-four days.
- RJ: Ooh! Ever done it in a week?
- Verne: That's impossible.
- RJ: Not if we work together. You see, you've got the food gathering skills, I've got the know how, and they have the food.
- Heather: How much food?
- RJ: Loads of food. Heaps of food. Food out of the wazoo!
- Verne: Well, you know, whatever kind of food comes out of a wazoo, I really don't think we're interested in eating.
- Lou: I don't know, the guy's making a lot of sense to me. I think we should listen.
- Penny: Yeah, I'm okay with wazoo food there.
- Verne: No, you're not. The tail is tingling.
- RJ: Hold on, hold on. The what is what?
- Verne: When something doesn't feel right, my tail tingles. And let me tell you something, everything you said so far is driving my tail crazy.
- RJ: Listen. Verne, right? This isn't something you need to be afraid of.
- Verne: Well, I am. And for good reason.
- [Shows him a stainmark on his shell]
- Verne: This is not a birthmark.
- [RJ cleans it off with a toothbrush]
- RJ: Ah, that's because you went over there without a guide, Verne.
- Verne: Whatever. Thanks for stopping by. We're not interested.
- RJ: Not interested in the most delicious food you've ever tasted?
- Verne: No!
- RJ: Come on.
- Verne: Not interested.
- RJ: Okay. I get it. I understand. This is something that you're just not open to.
- [Opens up a bag of Doritos the gust of wind is so strong it pushes everyone backwards]
- Hammy the Squirrel: What is that?
- RJ: That, my friend, is a magical combination of corn flour, dehydrated cheese solids, BHA, BHT and good old MSG, a.k.a.the chip. Nacho cheese flavor.