Arliss Howard credited as playing...
The Client - Claybourne
- The Client - Claybourne: [the Killer slides a card on the table] Alright. There's an address. It's 3 Rue du Gre- I'm still not-
- [look of dread slowly washes over]
- The Client - Claybourne: Oh. Ohh... Wait... You. I didn't realize... please hear me out. To answer your question, we have no problem. I harbor no ill will about anything that may have happened, or not happened. Let me make that crystal clear. Right after the uh... incident, I received a phone call. I was told that things had gone sideways. My response was, "Nobody's perfect." Now I did, I admit, inquire as to what is normally done in these circumstances, and they- he, the lawyer fella, Hedges, suggested that in this very rare case, I might wish to arrange for insurance, to prevent any *blowback*. I remember thinking, "Now why in the world is this liability mine?" I mean, you have to please understand this enti... I was very new to this kind of thing. I bled a little ink- so yeah, selfishly, I didn't want any blowback, and so, eventually, we agreed that for an additional 150k, the trail could be scrubbed. That was literally all I was told. Cleanup on aisle three! His words, not mine. And so, I made sure there was enough in escrow and never thought about it again... until... What I'm trying to say here, and I can't express this strongly enough, I have no issue with you. Zero. As far as I'm concerned, we're good.
- The Killer: I'm curious. I break into your home in the middle of the night, with a silenced pistol, and you have no idea, why I might be here? If I have to come back, maybe a radioactive speck on the lip of your favorite coffee mug. A slow death, mind you, from painful facial necrosis. Or a tragic misstep into your penthouse elevator shaft. But I promise, I'll find something fitting.
- The Client - Claybourne: I, uh... I don't keep cash here. But I can have some delivered...
- [the Killer raises his pistol]
- The Client - Claybourne: No? Okay? Well what is it exactly I can do for you?
- The Killer: I came to show you how easily one might get to you, Mr. Claybourne. And to ask, do you and I have a problem?
- The Client - Claybourne: [on the phone with a lackey while contemplating his wine selection for the night] There must be some applicable tax burden offset and I simply expect to see heaven and earth moving. He- Hey! I'm not going to be disappointed in you, I'll be disappointed in me and everyone involved for not having replaced you soon-
- [shocked to see a man standing in his kitchen]
- The Client - Claybourne: Who the fuh?... How did you?...
- [the Killer gestures with a pistol for him to wrap up the call]
- The Client - Claybourne: Okay. I... I... I'll call you back Marvin. Uh... uhh, gotta call back Marvin. I'm fucking hanging up. I...
- [removes his earbud]
- The Client - Claybourne: So nobody gets... crazy. I didn't notice the uh... I'm all ears. Secure building, eh? Christmas bonuses'll be light this year.