Octavia Spencer credited as playing...
Minny Jackson
- Minny Jackson: Eat my shit.
- Hilly Holbrook: What'd you say?
- Minny Jackson: I said eat... my... shit.
- Hilly Holbrook: Have you lost your mind?
- Minny Jackson: No, ma'am, but you is about to. 'Cause you just did.
- [Minny and Celia are discussing Celia's husband]
- Minny Jackson: Now I ain't messin' around no more. Now Mr. Johnny gonna catch me here and shoot me dead, right here on this no-wax floor. You gots to tell him. Ain't he wondering how the cooking's so good?
- Celia Foote: You're right.
- [She looks at the fried chicken leg she's eating]
- Celia Foote: Maybe we oughta burn the chicken a little.
- Minny Jackson: Minny don't burn chicken.
- Celia Foote: There you are! I'm starved. Looks so good!
- [sits down with Minny to have lunch]
- Minny Jackson: We done been over this, Miss Celia. You're supposed to eat in the dining room, that's how it works. Here, let me take your plate back.
- Celia Foote: [assertively, yet with respect, holding her plate] I'm fine right here, Minny.
- Celia Foote: They don't like me because of what they think I did.
- Minny Jackson: They don't like you 'cause they think you white trash.
- Johnny Foote: Listen, Celia finally told me about the babies. All of them. But I also know that the minute you started working here, she started getting better. You saved her life.
- Minny Jackson: You mean, you knew I'd been working here this whole time?
- Johnny Foote: Fried chicken and okra the first night? I mean, you all could have at least put some cornpone on the table.
- Minny Jackson: No, I can't let you eat no more cornpone, Mr. Johnny.
- Johnny Foote: Well, thanks to you, now I've have to let out every pair of pants I own.
- Minny Jackson: [to Skeeter] You ain't got nothing left here but enemies in the Junior League. You done burned every bridge there is. And you ain't never gonna get another man in this town, everybody know that. So don't walk your white butt to New York, run it!
- Minny Jackson: [Johnny's escorted Minny to the house where Celia has an elegant meal on the table] What's this?
- Celia Foote: [proudly] I cooked it all by myself.
- Johnny Foote: Yes she did. She was up all night.
- Celia Foote: I wanted to do something special. I wanted to say thank you.
- Minny Jackson: So, I ain't losing my job?
- Celia Foote: [shaking her head in surprise] No.
- Johnny Foote: You have a job here for the rest of your life. If you want it.
- Minny Jackson: [smiles in acceptance] That's a mile-high meringue, Miss Celia?
- Hilly Holbrook: [about the pie] What do you put in here that makes it taste so good?
- Minny Jackson: That good vanilla from Mexico and something else real special.
- Hilly Holbrook: Minny? Minny, are you in there?
- Minny Jackson: Yes, ma'am.
- Hilly Holbrook: And just what are you doing?
- [Minny flushes the toilet]
- Hilly Holbrook: [shouting] Get off my toilet! You are fired, Minny Jackson!
- [Minny leaves the house walking in the rain]
- Hilly Holbrook: Go on!