11 of 24 found this mild
Guide is based on first episode. No sex or nudity, however there is graphic talk about people being raped.
Basically every episode has some reference to sex or cheating. Sex is an overarching main theme for all but 2 or 3 episodes.
Girl in the water has a sex scene with the woman and man in sitting position embracing in a slow rocking movement with some bareback and shoulders showing but nothing else.
7 of 15 found this moderate
Guide is based on first episode: No violence shown within the episode, however there is a blood bath and dead bodies shown after they have been found by detectives the following day.
Some fights with bloody results.
We see a men cut his wrists with a knife in an attempt to kill himself. Blood splatters from the wounds and we see both his arms very bloody as a result.
The wounds on the bodies of murder victms are shown in graphic detail.
5 of 9 found this mild
Guide is based on first episode: No profanity throughout. Blasphemy occurs very seldom and infrequently within conversations.
Will update as I compete series: 1 b**ch, 1 s**t
8 of 9 found this mild
Guide based on first episode: No drugs or alcohol is shown or mentioned throughout.
6 of 11 found this mild
Guide is based on first episode: Detectives investigating a murder scene discover blood splattered all over a floor, wall and inside a bath. Other than that, it is rather mild investigation.
Season 1 contains conversations about severe child abuse (including rape) that can be disturbing to some views.
Wee see a woman being held captive in a pit during one episode of season two. The scene is very brief, but can still be disturbing to some.
One men breaks into an art studio and attempts to murder husband and wife. He holds a knife to the woman's neck while negotiating with the police.