165 of 221 found this to have none
A man and woman kiss in min 57.
A woman sits on a man's lap while he is sitting on a wooden chair. They are both singing.
A man dresses in tight shorts and dungarees. He then seductively walks to flirt with a woman. The man bends over to exaggerate his buttocks. All done for comedic purposes.
There was no sex or nudity.
A man tells another man to show a woman his thigh.
Very little mild suggestive references.
112 of 166 found this mild
A police officer grabs a man's head and repeatedly forces it into a tub of frozen water and then takes out a baton and hits the man in the face.
A little girl is casually kicked by her cruel guardian, but the blow does not appear to hurt her.
Some scenes contain very mild slapstick violence such as comic knockout blows.
There is a riot in a store which ends in it lighting in flames. People run out and scream and the scene ends in a dark and somber manner. Nobody is remotely hurt.
Slugsworth is seen holding a gun.
112 of 206 found this to have none
"Damn", "blasted", "idiot", "stupid" and other words are thrown around occasionally. The word "bussies" is not used, it's "bodies."
One "damn" and a "good Lord".
A humorous reference to flatulence.
One use of "damn" respectively.
107 of 174 found this to have none
Multiple instances of drinking.
107 of 154 found this mild
Infrequent mild upsetting scenes, including ones related to past bereavement.
A police officer grabs Mr Wonka and attempts to drown him in a water fountain full of ice. The police officer then screams at Mr. Wonka and hits him in the head with a police baton. The scene lasts about a minute.
Willy and Noodle nearly drown in a room that becomes flooded with liquefied chocolate.
For preschool/elementary school kids and up.